Thursday, February 13, 2014

~~The Shadow of a Soul: Raphael's Post~~

I wish....I wish I felt like I was more than a dream. Lost in the shadow....I'm just the shadow of a shade, am I not? Drowned within the mind of a girl who, for years, tried to believe I wasn't real. Sharing a single body with nine others. Never feeling real....

It gets so lonely in here, inside her mind. It seems so strange, doesn't it, that a being such as I COULD feel an emotion like loneliness. I mean, I am permanently stuck in the company of other people. I have my little one. I have my family.

How could I be lonely?

Alexandra always makes new friends--online, and in real life. She always can see people. She can talk to them and hug them and laugh with them.

But we are stuck inside.

We are but the shadows of souls, and we are lonely...

Oh, world! We are lonely! Please, let us out....

No, this is...Alexandra's body, and Alexandra's life. We can't leave her, and we can't take over her permanently. We can't live her life instead of her....

I just wish we weren't so lonely.

Then again, her mind is a lovely place...

Truly strange, really. But I wouldn't have it any other way! Truly, I wouldn't....

Here, inside her mind....I can find peace. I can find more peace than is out there. I can hide away, inside myself--inside the shadow of a soul, inside a mind, inside a girl....

I love it here.

It's better than there....

With a small smile and smirk,

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