Monday, February 10, 2014

~~Hello, Stranger!!--Smiles Post~~

I have no idea who you are, but you--oh wonderful you--have made me smile today.

I'm tired, and cold, and unhappy--but someone went back and took the time to comment on this post and remind me I wasn't alone.

I have no idea who you are, but thank you.

Because of you, I'll end up going back and telling y'all why I didn't post that day.

You see, I'm not a loner--I'm just alone. A lot of the time, I spend it alone. My friend aren't the best, and my classes aren't the best--and some teachers don't know I exist....

Actually, none of them really..know I exist.

So, you can bet that I'm going to be lonely a lot.

But, on the good side....

I can drown my sorrows IN BLOG POSTS.

Waiiiit one minute....

Holy shite....


I can't believe this!

So many of you...

You amazing, wonderful people....

You know I love you, right?

And I know you love me, elsewise you wouldn't come to my little kingdom so many times...

I'm so glad you've tried this place, and found it to your tastes...

I don't know just who you are, or even if you're more than a handful of people....

But you're my gang, and I thank you for that.

I love you.

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I love you, random stranger. Thanks for dropping by, and for dropping a line. --Half Mad Writer