Tuesday, April 1, 2014

~~April Is....--Meta Post~~

Hi, Half-Mad Writer here. Felt like explaining what I HOPE will happen this month!

What I hope to do is drive myself crazy from too much writing.

You see....


1) National Poetry Month

2) A-Z Blogging Challenge

3) Camp National Novel Writing Month

What I HOPE to do for this month is, well, complicated.

For National Poetry Month, I will be writing at least one poem per day--including the weekend. There will be no real pattern to these poems, and I will try to write as many as I humanly can.

For the A-Z Blogging Challenge, I will be doing blog-hopping and networking on top of the actual challenge posts.

For Camp NaNoWriMo, I will be editing and rewriting Candy-Sweet Faces.

That means that this month will actually be pretty busy....

I can do this.

Happy April Fool's Day,

Half-Mad Writer

1 comment:

  1. You will be busy! Just popping by from A-to-Z. I work the best when I am on deadline. You can do this!


I love you, random stranger. Thanks for dropping by, and for dropping a line. --Half Mad Writer