Saturday, March 16, 2013

~~An Impatient Howl~~

I must wait for the one I love
Though years and years pass me by
I must wait for him to come here
And come here to stay

I must wait for the peace to come
I must wait for it to arrive
I must wait for years, but hopefully
The second he's here it will be made worth it

I hope it will be worth it
How many will I turn down in the time to come?
How many will I meet?
How many will I fall for?

In a way, his isolation
Is easier to withstand than my fickleness
At least with him
He doesn't become attracted to those he attracts

Is it wrong that I don't want to wait?
That I would rather have him near, now?
Sure, delayed gratification is all well and good
But so is gratification

I'm giving up a lot by giving myself to him
I'm gaining the world, though
I think the tradeoff is worth it
He won't hurt me like others have

I know he won't....I can trust no one
No one but him
He won't betray me
He won't ever use me

But, until the day he's here
A part of me won't believe this is real
And will always shy away
Old habits die hard, as the saying goes

Still, I love him
I'll wait til the sun burns the final time if I must
He will be here
No matter what....

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I love you, random stranger. Thanks for dropping by, and for dropping a line. --Half Mad Writer