Please don't worry about me
As the tears slide down my face
Please don't fear for my life
As I whisper I'm not okay
Please don't let me see
That you're afraid for me
Because I'm taking all my strength
From the love of those who know me
Can't you see how desperate I am
To see hope in your eyes?
Can't you tell how much I need
For someone to be stronger than me?
I need someone I can break on
Who is stable enough to keep
Me from tumbling into my past
And the world I pray to abandon
Please don't worry
Not in a way that I can notice
Please don't cry
Because I will cry too
I don't presume to know
What kind of thing is plaguing me
But I'm glad I can't remember my dreams
For I wake up with tears
In my eyes
Is this pain left over
From all the broken hearts
And inner shame
And hatred
I have carried for too long?
Is this pain left over
From being abandoned
So many times
By those who promised to stay?
Is this pain left over
From the ones who sought
To keep me strong
But only broke me in the end?
What is this pain from?
I need to know, so I know
What brings me down in the end....
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I love you, random stranger. Thanks for dropping by, and for dropping a line. --Half Mad Writer